Nov 07
Switching Modes

The roles we play in our relationships, such as
son or daughter of our parents
mother/father of our children
husband/wife or lover to our partner
and a number of other outer variations
help us develop, deepen and define
the many aspects of our personalities.
We possess the unique ability
despite any conscious or unconscious effort
to bring forth and isolate these aspects and functions
and respond through them as needed
in different alternating occasions.
Frequently there are accidental conflicts or misunderstandings
that arise when switching from one mode to another
especially when not aware of the switch taking place.
The conflicts and misunderstandings often arise
either inside one's own self or within one's relationships
from the mistaken premise of identification with these roles
either by the individual or by others
as being the totality of one's Self and expression.
One must never forget that each human being
has a multi faceted personality.