16 April 08
A matter of interpretation
In a rather strange and uncertain mood this morning
this gem caught my eye:
''In this world there is always danger for those
who are afraid of it.''

(George Bernard Shaw)
This I would say, unfortunately, describes me
most accurately...
Great big phrases -such as this- always catch our attention
and imagination because they can momentarily inspire
yet they often carry a rather narrow one sided aspect
or message referring to a particular concept.
Lots of those who ''are not afraid'' (of it ) often find themselves
into danger and trouble, not always totally unexpected,
such as in stormy seas in capsized boats,
lost and stranded in forests, carried out of avalanches,
rescued from dangerous climbing by helicopters etc
but the fools of this kind are always seen as brave and heroic
while the ones that consider carefully the possibilities
of danger beforehand and are rather cautious
are thought more of as being weak, wimps, fearful etc.
If there was any great perspective that could balance all sides
and all possibilities perhaps there would be No words at all
just the Silent Wisdom of Knowing.
* No intention to diminish the author's
very perceptive and inspiring words
much need in our every day lives ...*
Alter Ego