Nov 07
A Few Real Moments
More frequently than i would like to admit
either instantly, or after some brief superficial encounter
i find myself disliking someone without any valid reason.
Whenever this happens
i make a deliberate effort if it is possible
to approach that person find out their name
and start a friendly conversation.
A repeat effort of this works wonders on both sides.
I get to look into their eyes, observe their mannerisms
and listen to their words or their stories.
Often through this i detect shyness, concealed sadness or pain
low self esteem or other positive or negative traits
that bring to the fore a more real picture
of a person with depth, flesh and blood, heart and mind,
aspects which were not immediately perceived
during a first, hasty 'surface' based negative impression.
Every one has a story to tell
whether a happy one that brings a spontaneous smile
on their face and a sparkle in their eye
or a sad one of loss or pain
that makes them look real for just a few moments
and helps immensely to see them under a different light
and more tolerant and compassionate way than before.
I do not necessarily look to socialise or build a relationship.
I just try to be fair and to correct my initial negative judgment
that would be of no good either to me or to the other person
and to cultivate better feelings for both
in a world of a passing moment.

Alter Ego