( Dream: Mid Feb 08 )
Death the Healer

I was standing on a flat surface or platform
or perhaps the edge of a verandah of an upper floor.
Right below was the sea, rich green, calm and inviting.
Lots of people were in the water swimming and splashing.
I briefly contemplated the idea of diving in it
but although the water was calm, it was rather deep
and i decided that i would not feel comfortable ...
I feared the depths or what might be lurking in there...
Then i went downstairs which was the interior
of a combined sort of factory and institution of some kind
and of which i was in someway part of.
There was a Boss which was or equaled ......God.
There were also two angels; The Light One and the Death One.
The Light One was like standing behind
or was one with a blinding- white light -brilliance.
The Death One was a strong healthy Black Man.
Both had human voices and so did God / or Boss.
There were many who went about working
-possibly factory workers.
Among them there were some sick people -possibly the ones
belonging to the institution aspect of the building.
Death 'called ' those whose time had come
by 'touching' them gently.
And now time had come for some to be 'called' and touched
so God gave Death a signal to go ahead with his task
but warned him not to go anywhere near the Light One.
Death proceeded and touched an old man
who was standing nearby.
The man surrendered immediately with a quiet resignation
but rather puzzled he queried Death:
"Why? ...i am not sick anymore..."
and proceeded to show
how his disease had suddenly cleared up.
Death got distressed and angry that he had to do this
and despite God's order
he walked determinately straight towards the Light One.
There was some commotion that followed
while some tried to stop him from approaching
but the Light One extended his hand and ordered him:
"Stop right there! - Do not proceed!"
Death, reluctantly and still agitated, stopped.
And now it was again time to touch the next person
-a black middle aged woman who was very ill.
He touched her -but unlike the man before her
she resisted and protested:
" Why?... I don't understand! I am now well! "
and as she said so she pulled up her clothes
to reveal her body that was now free of any signs of disease.
Death felt sad for her and embraced her with tears in his eyes
because he could not tell her
that the reason she had been cured
was Only because he had 'touched' her....

The upper floor platform overlooking the sea represents
the mental state where i prefer to operate from
and (my ) reluctance or avoidance of immersing myself
in the emotional 'sea' and its potential dangers
that might be lurking under the surface.
The combined factory /institution building
represents myself as a unit
where different functions take place
in the ordinary daily life -or something similar to this.
The Boss/God in the building is obviously
the Central aspect of my personality that directs
and oversees all 'jobs /aspects /functions' done etc.
The angel of Light, if i were to take a guess,
represents the mind and all the rather abstract ideas
that originate there such as consciousness, beliefs, faith,
hope, courage, strength, healing and so on
and which are difficult to describe and more specific
to each individual.
'God ' warned Death not to go anywhere near the Light One,
meaning the central personality does not allow, at this point
changes in the areas represented by the Light One...
The angel of Death, is represented by a Man
common and visible because death is a more familiar experience for most people and has a known face and quality
as most people during some time or other have been touched
by the loss of someone loved or close or known.
Here he represents that function within oneself
which signals or initiates the end of old or ill patterns
of mentality or behaviour.
The 'sick people' that Death touches and die
are aspects of one's self and of self expression
with which a person comes to identify as "me"
after a long time of repetitive reinforcement.
Separation from this part becomes almost near impossible
and complete change pretty much equates
with death of -that- particular part of one's self.
When Death, i.e. change/separation, 'touches' that aspect
of self, any problems associated with that aspect
suddenly cease to exist - like a miraculous cure
and a feeling of freedom or liberation.
In reality of course this process is gradual
and takes time and effort.
The dream only shows
some surfacing awareness of change in those patterns.