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*** Dreams ***
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{Dream: when approx 9-11 years old}
The Hook
I was alone playing on the veranda.
Suddenly as i looked up i saw a fishing line
with a hook attached to it descending from above
its beginning invisible, lost in the sky.
The Hook stopped at eye level in front of me
and as i stood there looking at it quite perplexed
a voice said:

"You were Chosen"
When i woke up there was a feeling of euphoria and hope.
For many years i believed it had a mystical significance
and perhaps i was meant to accomplish something great
in and for the world.
Far from it, i have never accomplished anything great
or of any significance ...other than perhaps
recently managing to interpret its meaning....
The voice that comes from above
is a voice that comes from within.
It's beginning is invisible
as our depths are invisible and unknown
The fishing line and the hook are to catch
and bring to the surface a "fish" or symbolically
"to catch and bring to the surface" something
that 'lives' in the depths and is hidden from view.
The Hook has descended in front of me
and the voice declares that i was chosen.
It has descended, due to an inner decision
to "catch" and bring to the surface
i.e. to 'consciousness' me -
that part of me which is the real me hidden in the depths.
That real self which i was when alone on that verandah
was acknowledged and "chosen"
and thus the feeling of euphoria and hope.